Below is a list of all variables that can be used in scripts. They are case sensitive.
$NICK - replaced with the nick of the user joining the channel.
$ACCESS - replaced with the user's access level (if not on the bot, -1)
$PROTLEVEL - replaced with the user's protection level (if not in the bot, -1)
$DATEl - current date (longdate - eg, Saturday, August 3, 1996, or your equivilant)
$DATE - current date (shortdate - eg, 8/3/78, or your equivilant)
$TIME - current time, without seconds
$TIMEs - current time, with seconds
$CC - the command character
$BOTNICK - the bot's nick (as opposed to it's current nick)
$CHANNEL - the channel the plugin was called on.
$NUMARGS - the number of arguments returned after a call to @GETARGS. $NUMARGS is -1
before this point.
$ARGL - returns the argument list.
$ARGx - $ARG0 returns the command name used. After processing with @GETARGS,
$ARGx, 1 < x < 10 returns the xth argument. If there is no xth argument,
$ARGx returns an empty string.
$USERMASKx - returns the hostmask for the xth parameter (or an empty string, if no
matching nick could be found). $USERHOST0 returns a hostmask for the user who
activated the plugin.
$USERHOSTx - returns the username and host of the xth parameter; for example, $USERHOST0 returns the userhost of the person who
activated the plugin. If the person isn't in memory, userhost returns an empty
Variable Access
ShadowBot allows plugins to define private variables for themsevles. The following syntax is used to access these variables. The trailing period is REQUIRED.
Random Functions
ShadowBot includes a random number generator, which can be used by plugins. The trailing period is REQUIRED.
$RAND:int:x,y. - generates a random number between (and including) x and y
$RAND:nick. - generates a random nick on the current channel.
Special Cases
The $ARGx and $USERHOSTx tags are scanned only in scripts; they are ignored in ONTEXT plugins.